Install Julia packages
Requirements to install packages
Requirements to install packages networked (must have Internet access)
Connect to login0 of MareNostrum4:
mylaptop$> ssh {username}@mn0.bsc.es
IMPORTANTThe MareNostrum4 login0 is restricted to BSC staff and is only accessible from the BSC internal network or the Virtual Private Network (VPN).
Check the Internet connectivity from login0, for example:
$> wget --tries=3 --timeout=5 -q --spider google.com && echo "Networked" || echo "Non-networked"
Check the 'Pkg' package manager
Pkg is Julia's built-in package manager that handles operations like installing, updating and removing packages.
Load Julia in the session, for example:
$> module load julia/1.4.2
Ensure you can run Julia from the command line:
$> which julia
$> julia --version
julia version 1.4.2Access the interactive command-line REPL (read-eval-print loop) with all built-in functions:
- Open a Julia terminal, by executing the command "julia"
- Type "]"
Show REPL help:
(v1.4) pkg> help
(v1.4) pkg> ?
Install and manage packages
Install packages
Install a package (along with all its dependencies):
(v1.4) pkg> add SomePackage # Latest version
(v1.4) pkg> add SomePackage@0.4 # Specific version
(v1.4) pkg> add SomePackage#master # Unregistered versionInstall multiple packages at once:
(v1.4) pkg> add A B C D
Install a package by specifying the URL or local path to a git repository:
(v1.4) pkg> add https://github.com/SomeProject/SomeProject.jl
Update/rebuild/prebuild packages
Update one or more packages:
(v1.4) pkg> update SomePackage
(v1.4) pkg> up SomePackage
(v1.4) pkg> up A B C D
(v1.4) pkg> update # All packagesRebuild a specific package (along with all its dependencies recursively):
(v1.4) pkg> build SomePackage
REMARKNote that the build step is automatically run when a package is first installed.
Precompile a project (maybe you also want to pre-update all project dependencies):
(julia) pkg> update; precompile
"Pin" a package:
(v1.4) pkg> pin SomePackage
REMARKA pinned package will never be updated, showing up on the stack with a 'pin' symbol.
"Unpin" a package:
(v1.4) pkg> free SomePackage
Uninstall packages
Uninstall one or more packages:
(v1.4) pkg> remove SomePackage
(v1.4) pkg> rm SomePackage
(v1.4) pkg> rm A B C DUninstall a package that only exists as a dependency:
(v1.4) pkg> rm --manifest SomePackage
cautionThis action will also remove all dependencies of the package in question.
Undo/redo changes during a session
Undo the last change in the current project:
(julia) pkg> undo
cautionOnly the states of the current session are stored, up to a maximum of 50 states.
Undo the last changes since the last undo operation we did:
(julia) pkg> redo
Work with environments
By default, Julia sets '~/.julia' as the base directory of the initial active project, where it will place the project's packages and configuration files.
Change default location of the initial active project:
$> export JULIA_PROJECT=/path/to/some/julia/project
$> juliaOr:
$> julia --project=/path/to/some/julia/project
It is easy to work with independent projects in Julia by using environments. On the other hand, when two projects use the same package in the same version, the content of this package is not duplicated.
Show active environment information:
(v1.4) pkg> st [ --project ] # Show packages added by yourself
(v1.4) pkg> st --manifest # Show all packages in the environment, including recursive dependenciesCreate a new environment or switch to an existing one:
(v1.4) pkg> activate /path/to/NewProject
Activating new environment at `/path/to/NewProject/Project.toml`
(v1.4) pkg> activate /path/to/ExistingProject
Activating environment at `/path/to/ExistingProject/Project.toml`Another kind of thing that you can do "hot" is the following:
julia> mkdir("MyProject") # In 'julia' mode
julia> cd("MyProject") # In 'julia' mode
(v1.4) pkg> activate . # In 'pkg' mode
(MyProject) pkg> st # Note that the REPL prompt changed
Status `Project.toml` # As this is a newly created project,
# the 'status' command shows that it contains no packagesReturn to the default environment:
(SomeProject) pkg> activate
Activating environment at `~/.julia/environments/v1.4/Project.toml`
(v1.4) pkg>